Wednesday 22 July 2015

Former Arsenal Midfielder Banned for 2 Games after Racist Incident

In no way highlighting the concerns of many about Russia’s World Cup hosting duties, the Russian Football union today handed out a two match ban to Emmanuel Frimpong for his objection to being racially abused.

The former Arsenal midfielder gestured to supporters after being subjected to monkey chants. Frimpong apologised for his completely warranted actions afterwards and accepted the ban itself.

However, Frimpong was shocked by the Union’s claims that there were no instances of racism. He took to Twitter to say ‘for the Russian FA to say they didn’t hear or see any evidence of racism is beyond a joke .. glad it’s all over though. Thanks for the support.”

“I’ve always said we are blessed in England and how wonderful of a country it is not saying there ain’t racism in England of course but not to this crazy extent we live on thanks Gooner family and everyone for your support must stressed not all Russians behave like that.”

FIFA have of course done the bare minimum in asking the RFU to provide details of the incident — which occurred at what of the grounds set to be used in the 2018 World Cup.

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